Darkhan Imangaliyev CV Resume - Job Seeker Profile

About Me


My Qualifications


Manchester University









My Experience

Company Name

Software Engineer Ltd


0000 - Present


Software Engineer Ltd.Executive Consulting Sept. 2012 - Present days. Mnenie.kz Designed architecture and build web application from scratch using Kohana Framework PHP Configured and administered server of web application Debian Implemented search on site and feature which shows similar relevant articles to the one user reading Sphinx . In addition, data gets indexed in real-time Designed and implemented caching mechanism which let down the load on server Memcahced Marketscan.kz part of mnenie.kz Designed UI and coded backend system for system, which allows to create surveys Coded program which shows real-time statistics on survey questions, generates Excel document with statistics information on survey Optimized the process of saving user answers on survey by putting them into queue, as result next with questions loads faster RabbitMQ Designed and coded mechanism to limit features of survey creation system depending on users role Free, Standard, Professional, Premium, Enterprise

Company Name

Software Engineer Ltd


0000 - Present


Software Engineer Ltd. YourVision June 2009 - Sept. 2011 Yvision.kz Implemented cross-posting mechanism which allows to synchronize articles from livejournal, wordpress to yvision.kz and vise versa Designed and coded algorithm which is used to move tree-like formatted comments from PostgreSQL to MongoDB. In new comment structure, each comment stores list of child comments, while previously each comment stored id of parent comment So it resulted in removal of code to pre-process array of comments before rendering. Redesigned and reimplemented searching mechanism Sphinx , which let down load on server. Moreover, current searching algorithm gives more relevant results. Implemented authentication mechanism using OAUTH, which increased number of users and made easier authentication process. Kaztorka.org Reimplemented site from pure PHP to ZendFramework. Now it is much more easier to maintain it. and AWARDS Awarded president scholarship for excellent study 2 students out of 150 2009 Awarded president scholarship Bolashak to study in foreign university. From all applicants approximately 10-20% gets awarded based on interviews 2011 Languages and Technologies PHP, Java Proficient , C#, Ruby, Python, JavaScript prior experience Sphinx, Memcached, Redis, MySQL, MongoDB, Nginx, RabbitMQ Ubuntu, Debian

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