Daryl Neatis CV Resume - Job Seeker Profile

About Me


My Qualifications






Mechanical Engineering

My Experience

Company Name



0000 - Present


FTC Sept 1997 - Present Various NHS Trusts Presented Health and Safety lectures, including radiation protection, Pb protection, use of PPE and area management Responsible for the H and S policy drafting, including, COSHH, hazardous substance management, needle stick and sharps injury management, lifting, audit, root cause analysis, issue/risk prevention, handling training Work place risk assessments, management of, following up and commissioning of imaging equipment throughout Trusts Used H and S experience to develop a safe working practice for non-medical and new staff. Quality control on radiation devices throughout the working environment, recording, report forming and presenting to senior staff Worked as Radiographer/RPS when not employed on H and S work

Company Name

NHS Trust

Position Held

Project Manager


0000 - Present


Radiology Project Manager : Guys and St Thomas NHS Trust, London FTC June 2008 - July 2011 Implemented radiation projects using Prince 2 methodologies and ensuring effective management of project issues and risks Researched and employed national requirements for radiation protection when implementing in an Operating Theatre Implemented a solution, making a major contribution to the reduction of radiation dose to the Operating Theatre staff

Company Name

Department of Health

Position Held

Subject Matter Expert


0000 - Present


Radiology/Health and Safety Subject Matter Expert : Department of Health FTC May 2007 - June 2008 Professional support to the multi million pound ISTC programme H and S management of full patient experience during treatment and post treatment Fed directly to UK clinical lead re H and S status and issues raised and management of risks Ensured suppliers matched HES requirements in preparation for service provision Commissioned Independent projects and implementation of radiation imaging modalities in Greater London Ensuring H and S and Radiation policies and procedures are robust and safe to operate under UK H and S and NHS laws Ensured that project milestones were achieved and monitored appropriate project progression

Position Held

Team Lead


0000 - Present


Radiology Clinical Design Team Lead : NPfIT South East. FTC Dec 2005 - May 2007 Led the design team and managing business requirements on national solution, from a radiology perspective, including dose recording, safety levels, exposure factors, matching UK law requirements Ensured solution matched UK requirements pre build Managed business requirements and engaged with external agencies to ensure HSE approval/matching Provided documentary evidence to management to ensure fluid knowledge dispersal and support solution development with imaging and the use of Ionising radiation

Company Name

Pegasus Engineering

Position Held

Health and Safety Advisor


0000 - Present


Health and Safety Advisor : Pegasus Engineering Dec 1998 - June 2001 Provided the regulatory framework for company to operate within UK guidelines Wrote all the policy requirements pre deployment and updates as required using correct version control Ensured PPE, signage and education was provided for staff, root cause analysis, risk and issue management of site Weekly meetings with senior management to discuss H and S issues raised Led medical training for appointed safety representatives on sites Onsite inspections and customer discussions re site suitability and training when using plant and heavy equipment Maintenance and reviewing of near miss register and providing tool box talks on the back of Leading the supervisory team and educating to national requirements within H and S, HSE including, lifting and handling

Company Name

University of Bradford

Position Held

Diagnostic Radiographer


0000 - Present


Student : Diagnostic Radiographer University of Bradford Sept 1994 - August 1997 Student H and S officer

Position Held



0000 - Present


Shipwright : VSEL, Barrow-in-Furness Safety representative Sept 1983 - June 1988 Management of the local working environment during the working day, including use of plant, electrical equipment, access and egress, the testing environment, hot work, permit to work, correct and safe behaviour. Presenting to staff re local hazards and management of said hazards Ensuring displays and information are up To TILL, logical, clear and concise Engaging with senior management re safety of local build area and environment and ship as a collective Supporting the safety of the launch, handover and commissioning phases of HM vessels to the Royal Navy Professional Registration/Personal Information Technical Member of IOSH : TBC Driving Licence : Full UK Driving Licence Nationality : British

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