Marcelo Costa Online Resume Brazil

My Experience

Company Name


Position Held

Consultant - Owner


0000 - Present


Allocation APPAI: Contract management for plan, design, deploy and coaching a SOA Architecture based on Web API, Rest , C# .Net and Engineering Software Area Improvement. Responsible for plan, design and deploy a full continuous integration solution using Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio implemented with C# language.Allocation Sato Distribuidora - Manaus: Designing TO_BE business process for all company's areas to serve as basis for company restructuring process.Allocation AddLAbs: Responsible for management a research & development project on Heath, Safety and Environment (HSE) Area implemented for Petrobras S/A at . It is implemented with C++ language. It encompasses artificial intelligence with data mining algorithms and predicition rules. Elicited, designed and implemented AS-IS and TO_BE process for software development process and project management. It includes best practices of CMMI, ITIL and PMBOk.

Company Name

Universidade Veiga de Almeida (Education Management)

Position Held

Assistant Lecturer


0000 - Present


Assistant Professor on Software Engineering and Database courses, including database modelling, Systemas Architeture, Human-Computer Interaction and Programming. I have been advising monographies on Big Data, Usability, Software Development and Test.