Liquid Personnel is a specialist social work and social care recruitment consultancy. Founded in 2006, we are now the 3rd largest provider to the UK social work sector, helping social workers find jobs with organisations throughout the UK.
We provide qualified social work staff to fill temporary and permanent roles in a wide range of local authorities, NHS Trusts, fostering agencies, charities and other private sector organisations.
Our social care division specialises in permanent placements for care assistants, nurses, managers, all the way up to directors of care home groups across the UK.
Accolades & Accreditations…
•Winner of “Best Small Recruitment Business” at the 2011 Recruitment Consultant Magazine Awards
•46th in the 2011 edition of the Sunday Times Fast Track 100
•Members of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) Social Work Sector Group
•Members of the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCO)
•Part of the REC Social Work Executive Committee
•Associate members of the Social Care Association
•Investors in People status
•Positive About Disabled People status