Fabrizio Zanollo, Acib Online Resume United Kingdom

My Experience

Company Name

INPAY - Instant global bank payments (Financial Services)

Position Held

Senior Vice President, Global Group Head of Strategic Business Development


0000 - Present


inpay are experts in bank to bank payment solutions. As an alternate payment provider, inpay allows businesses to receive funds locally from their clients, and make payments out, in domestic currencies. inpay is a regulated financial institution, built on proprietary anti-fraud technology, and our 100% secure payment platform. inpay has an unparalleled bank to bank solution, established on our real-time global network of bank accounts and local liquidity, in 60+ different countries. inpay are specialists in C2B, B2B and B2C payment processing, enabling true cross-border selling. Our ability to send and receive payments in real-time, with instant transaction confirmation, enables our clients to access new markets safe in the knowledge that the risk of chargebacks, declined payments, and credit card fraud is eliminated. inpay’s pay-out product allows businesses to execute withdrawal payments to their clients’ bank accounts, in most locations around the world. inpay’s pay-in product allows businesses to receive instant deposits in local currency, via our extensive bank network, with immediate confirmation. Funds are guaranteed once they are registered in any of our accounts.
• Global payments made instant
• Funds transacted in local currency
• Real-time transaction monitoring
• No risk of fraud or chargebacks

Company Name

Consentium Consulting Limited

Position Held

Executive Director


0000 - Present