Leandro Gomes Da Silva Online Resume Brazil

Leandro Gomes Da Silva João Monlevade

Focused on my tasks without forgetting to collaborate with the team

  • Address: João Monlevade

  • Mobile: +55(31)94767163

About Me

Hard work is only expressed in reward when a person refuses to give up

My Experience

Company Name

Laboratório iMobilis de Computação Móvel

Position Held

Full Stack Developer


0000 - Present


Development of Mobile and Embedded systems with research grant. My attributions envolve work with C/C++ and Python Algorithms, PHP in an Apache web server, Microcontrollers, Android applications and development of web application. The entire project is managed using Agile process.

Company Name


Position Held

Front and Backend developer


0000 - Present


Personal project in test stage developed to increase my programming skills and good practices for web. The blog has focus on computer engineering students who need an easy way to review subjects treated in classes.

Company Name

Laboratório de Engenharia e DEsenvolvimento de Sistemas

Position Held

Research Assistant


0000 - Present


Development of Web systems and Qt (C/C ). Worked on the development of a system to support internship process from University department. Also worked with development of a modeling framework for Dengue fever.

I am eligible to live and work in Brazil