Md Masum Billah CV Resume - Job Seeker Profile

About Me

I am a mid-level multidisciplinary international development professional with 11 years’ experience in project management, research, and IT solution development for ICTs for development, poverty reduction and climate change projects in Asian and African

My Qualifications


The University of Manchester, UK




MSc in ICTs for Development. Expecting a Merit Grade


Khulna University, Bangladesh




Bachelor of Urban and Rural Planning. Attained GPA 3.34 out of 4

My Experience

Position Held

Research Fellow


0000 - Present


Washington, Seattle, USA July 2007 - September 2011 o Conducted research to use information ecology approach to identify research areas for Global Impact Studies in Bangladesh. o Led implementation of 3 national scale surveys and analysed data of the Global Impact Studies project in Bangladesh. o Developed online survey and data management tool to ensure quality data collection. o Research support for the study The Infomediaries : Brokers of Public Access

Position Held

Senior Research Fellow and Head of Research


0000 - Present


Bangladesh Project Manager Mobilising Knowledge for Development, IDS, University of Sussex, UK February 2009 - September 2011 o Lead a 5 member team to produce research synthesis for o Wrote research synthesis and publish on o Administer Bangladesh research community on the Eldis community portal. o Published policy briefs on recent issues of interest in Bangladesh

Company Name

Community Empowerment through ICTs

Position Held

project manager


0000 - Present


Senior Research Fellow and Head of Research Division Development Research Network, Bangladesh September 2005 - September 2011 o Worked for field level monitoring and evaluation research of Pallitathya programme, a DFID funded project of Manusher Jonno Foundation. o Conducted research and data analysis for Community Empowerment through ICTs : Evidences from Grassroots in Bangladesh and India, funded by IDRC, Canada o Worked as Bangladesh project manager and developed monitoring and evaluation framework for PAN Localisation phase II project of The International Development Research Centre IDRC , Canada. o Offered training programmes for NGO professionals on data analysis using tools like SPSS. o Supervised a research team of 15 people to conduct research for social development and ICT4D

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